Art & Architecture [Search results for digital]

Heritage: Florence's Uffizi Gallery to digitize in 3-D its entire Greek and Roman sculpture collection

Shanghai, Cina: Oma Among the Winners of the New Media Campus For Axel Springer

Xuěshān Rd, Heping District, Taichung, Taiwan 424: National Library of Public Information by Jj Pan

Digital facade for Medialab Prado

Berlino, Germania: Ole Scheeren Among the Winners of the New Media Campus For Axel Springer

Recommended Reading: 17th century medical pop-up book digitised

Lehi, Utah, Stati Uniti: Adobe Utah Campus by Wrns Studio

Basilea, Svizzera: Messe Basel - New Hall by Herzog & De Meuron

The Bulldogs (based on an underground comic-book)

UK: Syria's Palmyra arch recreated in London


Milano, Italia: Uae Pavilion Expo 2015 by Foster + Partners

Stoccarda, Germania: Research Pavilion 2012 by Icd/ITKE

In the supermarket centre there was a green emptiness

Glasgow, Città di Glasgow, Regno Unito: Steven Holl Architects' Glasgow School of Art Tops Out

2008 Cityscape (Dubai)

Cordova, Provincia di Cordova, Spagna: Contemporary Art Centre by Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos

Innovative Tic

Sofia, Bulgaria: Collider Activity Center by Tom Wiscombe Design

Yalova, Turchia: Raif DinÇKÖK Cultural Center by Emre Arolat Architects