Art & Architecture
Bequia House « House of Dream
Luxury Resort Amphibious 1000 [Qatar]
The New Glasgow Riverside by Zaha Hadid
Tiger and Turtle [Duisburg, Germany]
National September 11 Memorial
St. Petersburg, Florida, Stati Uniti d'America: ST. Petersburg Pier by Big + Mesh Architecture
Corbera de Llobregat, Provincia di Barcellona, Spagna: Can BarÓ Library by Sierra Rozas Arquitectes
Architectural Design of Torres de Hercules Tower by Rafael de la Hoz
Tropical Bungalow
Crooked House. Sopot, Poland
Heritage: Rare 1,500 year old Odin amulet found in Denmark
modern living
Wananavu Beach on Sun Coast
Randers, Danimarca: MULTI-Sport Centre by Cebra
Clemson, Carolina del Sud, Stati Uniti d'America: Clemson University Lee Hall by Mcmillan Pazdan Smith
Luxury Train will connect Las Vegas to Los Angeles