Villa Powerhouse-house design

City architecture of the future

Albi, Francia: Open Albi Theater by Dominique Perrault Architecture

Barcellona, Spagna: Vertical Garden of Renaissance Barcelona Fira Hotel by Jean Nouvel

The Best Schools of the World

Suffolk, Regno Unito: Martello Tower “Y” by Piercy Conner Architects

1280号 Longcheng Ave, Xinbei, Changzhou, Chiangsu, Cina, 213000: Changzhou Culture Center by Gmp Architekten

Vancouver, Columbia Britannica, Canada: Cactus Club by Acton Ostry Architects

The house on a rock

Minimalist Japanese House Design in Hiroshima by Architects Keisuke Kawaguchi

Cranbourne Victoria 3977, Australia: The Australian Garden by Taylor Cullity Lethlean And Paul Thompson